Sunday, February 28, 2010


That is no problems we know of.  We are on the other side of Africa right now.  The earthquake was on the west side of South America.  Right near where we were.  We are concerned about the people we met on Robinson Crusoe Island.  The tsunami wave hit them right after the earthquake.  They had no warning.  We met some neat people there.  Remember the man with the house made out of old bottles?  Look back at the  1 23 posting.

It is scary to think what would have happened to us on the ship if we were there now.  It is also very sad.  We get some CNN international news when the satellite is available. 

Let us all pray for the people affected.  Right now the wave has not hit Hawaii yet.  So we hope everyone can get to safety.


Anonymous said...

On a ship one large wave caused by an earthquake is more like a large rounded hill. You probably would not notice. It has no sharp edge. Only when it hits land or shallows, or low islands do you have major problems.


Anonymous said...

Sea Sick wrist bands? Ever try them, small cloth band with a button on the inside. You wear them like a watch. They do work!

dwo in Montrose

Anonymous said...

Please blog more often. Betweeen the earthquakes and the pirates, we're worried about you.

Deb & Dan

Anonymous said...

I (actually you) have mail issues - can you please check your email? afriedman2


Anonymous said...

The trip looks fantastic so far. We're in Florida near your parent's old apartment having run away from the 6 feet of snow in Maryland. Ditto to Deb and Dan's message .....we also want to be sure that you're both ok. Stephen had his 21st birthday and it was fun....lots of drinking. He's doing well in school. He took up saxophone again in jazz band and is enjoying very much. Be safe and enjoy. Love, Mike and Barbara

Anonymous said...

I went to your other blog, the and enjoyed it tremendously. I like the slide shows. Please continue if you can. Love Barbara and Mike

Anonymous said...

Hi guys. It took us a while to find your postings, but we finally did and sent if off to other square dance folks. It's warming slightly in Montrose, but another snow storm is expected today. Perhaps spring is just around the corner. Loving the explanation of the trip. Safari photos are great. Hope you're both still healthy. We'll keep checking the blog and photos now that we've found them. Will also send a regular email in a couple of days.

Dave and Blanche