As long as you are flexible, your days will never be disappointing. As you can guess, we didn’t go into the hot springs. We travelled by wonderfully clean and on time trains. Again we met some school kids. These were between 14-16 years old. They were from a town about 200 KM away and were on a school trip. Of course, Arleen wanted to take their picture and they wanted a picture with Duane. When the boys had their picture taken, the girls joined in. Fun was had by all.

We saw surfers and beautiful personal gardens and small temples along the way. When we got to the island, we decided to walk to the top of the mountain in the center of the island before we went to the spa. Well, that took longer than planned since we kept seeing wonderful animals and views and people.
Duane and Juby and Tom went all the way up to the observation tower and Arleen and Ken walked down toward the shops. Arleen saw someone eating something very weird looking, so she asked the girl about it. The girl offered her a piece, and then of course she had to have one.
What it is, is a cracker tasting thing that looks like it has an octopus inside. That is because it does. What it is is squished octopus. They take 3 octopi and put them in a press. A hot press. When the stop steaming, they turn them over and press them some more, until they are crispy. Boy do they taste good. I don’t think we can find them in the US. We will have pictures of this later.
On the way back to the ship we took more trains and then walked back the long way. We saw a flower display along the way.
You know, when you write it down, it doesn’t sound like much. But, we had a wonderful day full of delights that were just meeting the people, eating at a restaurant that Japanese people were eating at, talking and interacting.
Like owner, like dog.

Guess who?

View from the top of the tower.

This is cool. ‘ See how you park your car in a lot. You pay and the bar comes up and protects your car. You can’t leave until the bar comes down.

When we left, we got another wonderful drum show.

Oh, Debbie, do you know this lady? The Japanese one.
Duane got up and gave her a seat on one of the trains, and it turns out she lived in Tustin, California, where you used to live. I’m sure you recognize her;)
This evening we wasted our time looking for a volcanic island. We passed it on the train and Ken said you could see it glow red at night and that we would pass it as we left the area. Well, it is almost 10pm and we haven’t found it yet………
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