Lima will be the last time we repeat ports for a long while. We will get to Lima when we return from the Galapagos Islands on Sunday the 17th. From then on we will be seeing totally new places.
Since we visited Amador on this trip already, so we decided to take an excursion sold by the ship. We went to see monkey island.
Turns out, monkey island is an area in the middle of the lake formed for the Panama Canal. Sooooo, we have to take a bus to a small boat port area, where we board a boat that holds 20 people and off we go, back onto the Panama Canal. For the 3rd time this trip. This time we are in a very little boat and we are dodging these huge cargo ships. Just getting over the wakes of these ships was exciting. And very damp…

We saw 2 kinds of monkeys. Howlers. We only saw them from a distance, moving in the trees. And white faced monkeys. They are more active and know that our guides have bananas for them, so they come visit the boats.

After visiting the monkeys, or rather the monkeys visiting us, we went to the museum at the Miraflora Locks. This picture show the view of the lock from the museum upper deck. We had wondered who the people were that waved to us from this deck on the 4 times we passed thru. Now we know. It was too bad a cruise ship did not go by while we were there.
You may know that the Panamanians are building new locks here. The container ships need to be larger, so new locks are being built. They are also widening the channel thru the lake, to accommodate these bigger ships. In the picture below, the construction in the distance is work on the new locks. They are expected to be completed by 2014, the 100th anniversary of the canal opening.
From Amador you can see Panama City, the capital.
The day after tomorrow, we will be having an adventure, and going to the Galapagos Islands. We have to get up at 3am. So, wish us luck and we will have more pictures when we get back.
Remember, we will post more pictures on the new picture blog. See the site address on the right side of this blog page.
Bye, for now.
I got your phone message from the 7th and was a little sad I had missed talking to you for the last time you were available to talk. I got the message on the 9th when we took off the river on the very upper part of Lake Mead. 17 days on the river going through time in the Grand Canyon was an amazing experience. I think I need to go at least 6 more times for all the places and things there are to see and go. I trust you guys are haveing a great time. Love you, Brain
Sounds like a wonderful trip, Brain. Next time, take us along. Oh, yeah. We were busy. :)
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